pursuing simplicity, creating humbly, loving furiously

Hi There!  I am so glad you are here. Would you pull up a chair, sit down for a minute, and join us on our journey towards a simpler life, connecting back to the heart of the Father and to all the many blessings He has so graciously provided for us?

I have been blogging here for about 3 years now sharing our life journey through battles of faith, 4 babies in 4 years, adoptions, home education, and the many fun creative projects we have enjoyed. But at the end of 2014 we made a HUGE life change and the blog is following along with us…

We are city slickers who sold our home and moved north a few states out into the country onto 16 acres of land to follow the Lord on this wild and crazy journey He is calling us to.  We are planting orchards, spreading wood chips, and raising chickens in hopes of living more sustainably so that one day God can add more little hands and feet to our family.

We are not sure how any of this is going to end up, but we are certain that we want to be walking in His stead, so we journey on even when we have NO IDEA what we are doing!

This blog has been a gift to me, and I pray will bless you as well.  It is my quiet place to connect with others and share my heart, a place to come and offer my life, the beautiful and the ugly, allowing Him to use it as He chooses.

I am thrilled that you are here and my prayer is that God would use this little spot to encourage you where you are as much as He has used it to encourage me.  I am honored to share a little of your time…






  1. Brenda white

    I love you!!! Challenged inspired and encouraged by your hearty, your love for abba, your real ness, your desire to honor and obey no matter what, your heart to encourage others in the journey….God is surely using you but what I love is that He is blessing you bc of this blog!! So honored to call you forever true friend. You are one of my heroes.

  2. Zelda

    Hello Lovely Lady,

    I would love to pull up a chair and enjoy a cuppa with you any day…if we can put my two busy men in the mix too..lol!

    You inspire me! Thank you for your blog. 🙂

    Kind regards,

  3. Lorie

    Hi Carrie,

    Nice to meet you! I ran across your cute conversation hearts and love them. I am teaching a lesson at church tomorrow to a group of women. I would like to give each of the women in the class one of your conversation hearts with the invitation to put it into action this month. Would it be okay to use your images in this way? I’d be happy to let the women know the name of your blog where I got the images. Thanks for considering this. Many blessings to you!

  4. Becky Carey

    Do you still have the printable conversation hearts available to print? They are beautiful and I would love to use them with my daughters this year for Valentines Day.

    Thank you,


    Several years ago I used your Candy Heart countdown with my Sunday school class and they loved I would love to use it again but I can’t find it 🙁 is there anyway you could email it to me? Thanks for your help Andrea

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